Saturday, 25 October 2008

Being the Samaritan

Sometimes it's hard being a Christian. In fact, sometimes it's just downright hard having a conscience. As I write this, I'm on the bus home. When I got on the bus, I was elated at the fact that, due to shift patterns, I was off work from now until tuesday. Within minutes, the elation was gone. The reason is this; across the aisle from me there is a girl. She is drunk and throwing up all over the floor. The people around of just sit and stare, there was a few smirks and even a badly disguised giggle. These arrogant arseholes seen to forget that this could just as easily be someone they know, or even worse, them themselves. Her friend sitting in the row in front is stricken, all she can really do is rub the girl's back in a comforting way. I'm stricken too, as my conscience is telling of to do something, to say something, to help in some small way, but there's nothing I can do. So much for the good Samaritan.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Rebecca and Calum

It's been a while. But here I am, back again.

When I went into work today, I passed some of the MRU folk waiting to start their shift. And to my delight, there was Rebecca, or Becky. Mainly Becky, hardly ever Rebecca. Becky is Sixteen, and found out that she was Pregnant soon after splitting up with her boyfriend. What a parting gift I hear you think. And what a hell of a predicament to find one's self in. It would be a natural reaction to freak out and abort the baby, but not Becky, she took in her her stride, indeed she had made up her mind and was keeping the baby. Things like school and work didn't seem to bother her, she was at work right up until a couple of weeks before she was due. The wee guy put up a hell of a fight though, as he was, I believe a week, perhaps even two weeks late. Everyone in MRU was waiting for the big event to happen, until finally, without fanfare or ceremony, a comment appeared on the "MRU Kids" group on Bebo anouncing that she had had Calum. So it was with relief and gladness that I greeted her in work today. And she showed me pictures of whe wee man (until Joe the security firmly reminded her of no mobiles in reception). At least that's a small (no pun intended) bit of joy in the current gloom of things. Becky has someone to case for and cherish, and Calum has a mum who will love him no matter what and that will spoil him rotten. They're a very unlikely pair those two and I'm so glad the have each other. Thing is though, Becky has herself a job and a half bringing up a wee boy, coz he's gonna be a handful!

Friday, 17 October 2008


life's got in the way these days, to be honest. i'll try and post again at some point when I can.