Tuesday, 18 December 2007


So, this is my first Blog post, hopefully this one should last a bit longer than the previous one (the one on Livejournal.).

Well, That's my Video Submissions sent in for the christmas submission, it turned out pretty well considering I spent too long on the modelling! I'll add a link to wherever I've hosted, when i get round to uploading it. Both (we had to hand in 2 videos for our submission) are 10 seconds and one is 4.5 mb, while the other is over 20! Though, saying that, the second one does have a lot of maps (images that are used in an animation as a texture or skin).

Work isn't exactly thrilling, but it is rather good banter. Jibran is still kicking about, so at least theres some sanity in amongst it all.

I suppose i really should get making this website ¬_¬. It's about Paisley. It's For College. I'd much rather be doing video stuff, but we have to do it to get the HNC, apparently.

At the moment I'm listening to: ManInSuit