Sunday, 28 September 2008

Change part 1: Out of the frying pan.

That's what it felt like today. At approximately 15.50 hours GMT this afternoon, my job was as a market researcher for Tesco Research, which I had been doing for about a year, and was likely to remain so for the forseeable future probably for the next year. To be perfectly honest, I hated it, but it have me a wage, and the shifts were flexible, and there wasn't much else available to me, which was why I stuck there. At about 16.00 hours GMT, I learned that this was all to change when I was offered shifts on calls teams by the company that employee me. I was sworn to secrecy, so as not to upset other members of the MRU team who had asked for calls team shifts, but had been refused. I nearly blew it by going and telling my mate Dave who is another MRU person, but had to stop myself as a certain person was close by, and I would rather not have her rant at me. At 16.45 hours GMT, after being told to finish early, it was with a certain amount of satisfaction and euphoria that I logged out my phone for the last time working at MRU. At 17.00 hours GMT, I waited with anticipation for training to begin.