Wednesday, 25 June 2008


I'm finally getting round to posting after a really busy week. I spent most of the week finishing off work in college. Absolute Nightmare, I tell you. It took me about 3 or 4 extensions to get my work done (No Joke!). I'm never going to procrastinate ever again!

My phoned died, so I had to borrow Dad's for a couple of days, until he and mum left for Ireland.That's also another reason why I haven't been able to anymore posts, because normally I do them on WAP (Thank the Lord for Opera Mini!) but now I've got a new (temporary) phone although I won't be able to post on this blog with it as its just one of those wee cheap phones.

Roy invited me for a drive, now that he has passed his test, so I duly obliged.

Roy (on the phone before he picked me up): Are you Ready to be Scared?

An Hour Later...

Me: Is this as fast as you can go?

After doing the Grand Tour of Arboath Harvbour (not to mention Victoria Park), we headed north to Letham Grange, and then west to Friockheim, where we stopped at The Railway Inn for a pint (Just one, mind, neither of us wanted to die) with Roy talking a little too audibly for my liking about the country-bumpkinness of the the pub and the village in General. It was a bit expensive, though at
£5.30 for a pint of Stella and a pint of strongbow. (Yes, Roy made me pay because he claimed that he was skint!)and then we tootled back down the road and passed by Hospitalfield in Arbroath so that Roy could show me his old house there.

New theme as well. look, look! I was googling when I came across a page with blogger templates so, I grabbed this one (Kubrick, it's called) and bunged it in. Jazzy huh?

i'll try and post tomorrow, if i remeber, but if not, then 'til the next time. Night, Night.


  1. Anonymous said...

    kubrick is originally a Wordpress theme but has obviously been ported across for Blogger