Wednesday 23 July 2008

Before I begin, let it be said that I'm not one for bitching, but this particular subject, or rather person is one of my pet hates.

So there's this girl I know, I shan't name her, but shall refer to her with the abbreviation that my mum christened her with: The FLC.

Elitism. You're guilty as charged, madam. Sitting there whining with your friends not giving a damn about anyone who you deem to be beneath you. Ploughing Gung ho into something, then whining when it backfires on you. You're so possessive too, grabbing something and clinging onto it for dear life, until it suffocates. I'm really glad that he got out, that The Don and Manny open his eyes to you. Go on, fuck yourself up, see if I care. Just don't complain in 20 years when your liver has packed in, because you brought it on yourself. Stupid Bitch.