It's half seven in the morning. What time is it? Random update time!
It's weird, y'know, because this morning I didn't feel nearly as tired as I usually do when I get out of bed at quarter to seven in the morning. I went to bed at about the same time, too. Transmission (the Torrent program I use for my Mac) is being annoying coz it's saying that one of the torrents is finished when it's quite clearly only 25% done. Grr. Just noticed a flyer downstairs advertising an world atlas. It says "Only £9.99 - Save £206!" Seriously, Who would pay £200 for a Atlas? But anyways, I suppose I'm just a skinflint. Going back to the subject of torrents and such, I'm currently downloading the entirety of Rolling Stone's 500 greatest albums. I doubt I'll keep them all. College this morning. At least I get to mess around with Dreamweaver and Photoshop. La de da.
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