Thursday, 24 April 2008

Penny Lane is in My Ears and in My Eyes...

In Penny Lane there is a Barber showing Photographs/Of every Head he's had the pleasure to have known/And all the people that come and go/Stop to say Hello.

So goes the first verse of a Beatles classic. The reason I mention it is that I've had it stuck in my head since yesterday morning, because I was watching a daytime TV property programme (that's my parents' fault, that is!) and the programme featured a property in the Mosley Hill area of Liverpool, which is where John Lennon and George Harrison grew up, and the house was on a street near the famous Penny Lane. It would be good to go there and walk along Penny Lane. I've got 3 days of posts to cover in this entry. So much for 2 posts per day! So, what's been happening lately? On Tuesday,
I went round to Pete's (a guy from college) flat, played Star Wars Batlefront, before heading to work. Nothing much happened yesterday or today, to be honest, so I'll talk about Pete. Tuesday was the first time that I got to properly talk to him, and he's a genuinely nice guy. In my mind, what I especially like about him is that he accepts you for who you are, he doesn't expect you to be anything greater than, or different to who or what you are. It makes a big change from last year in the NQ, when they tried to turn you into a clone of themselves. Life seems to have taken an unexpected turn recently, and a line from a church service blessing sticks in my mind:

From what we know, To what we don't know, God is calling us on

That has become my motto over the last few weeks, and I'm going to adapt my frame of mind thus so that I can look towards the next couple of months with hope, expectancy, and most of all, Courage.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Whoops, My Bad!

Ok, so I kinda neglected to post yesterday. I was staying over at Gordon's from Saturday night 'til this morning (Monday morning). On the subject of this blog, I was procrastinating again. On Sunday evening, we went out for Libations after Evening Prayer,with Kristin and Bryony, which was fun ("Someone stole my Gyroscope!"). We found out that Kristin is leaving us at the end of May to go home to Germany, and, Shock Horror, Bryony is leaving us too. Bryony is moving down to Edinburgh to a Post-Grad down there. Gordon assures me, however, that Chris Simmons is coming to Dundee to do "Psychology, or something like that", so hopefully, we'll persuade him to Libate. In other news, I'm looking forward to the summer, it looks like we'll heading back to the usual resort for our holibags, which suits me fine, as we know the place so well. Zack's Shack, here I come. Plus, this time, I'll be able to order alcohol when I'm there. On the band front, I think I've found amount and combination of people to mobilise this band: James Mitchell on Vocals, Charlie Anderson on Guitar, Gordon on Bass and Me on Drums. Now all I have to do is to get Charlie and Gordon to actually sign up for this thing! At least James agreed...

Saturday, 19 April 2008


Last night I watched the new Transformers film. (I say new, even though it was released last year because it is new compared to the original animated film.) I had very high expectations of the film, but I was completely unprepared as to how much it would blow me away. I don't think it's too much of an overstatement to say it was EPIC. There was the obligatory detail change, but I thhnk they added to the film, rather than taking away from it. For example, updating Bumblebee to a Chevrolet, I thought was a nice touch, and also replacing Primus with the Cube meant that half the movie wasn't wasted by telling the origins backstory. When I posted about it on forum I frequent, one of the members pointed out faults of the film, but to be honest, it was a minor detail.

All in all, I'd rate it 5 stars.

Friday, 18 April 2008

The Departure of a Legend

So, there we were, doing the weekly pillage of Tesco, Mum and Dad down one the aisles and me standing with the trolley at the top of said aisle, day dreaming, when I spotted a face that I hadn't seen in about 2 years. It was Mrs Hill, my 5th year Higher English teacher. I said hello to her and asked how she was doing and she told me that she was going to take early retirement at the end of the year. It was surprising to hear this, but she deserves it. She's done her time, and put up with the school (and especially some of the pupils) for long enough. In English with her, we did Shakespeare's Othello, and it was this which founded my love for the play, and particularly the character Iago.

So, I say: All the best in your retirement, Mrs Hill, you deserve it.

Thursday, 17 April 2008

2 blogs posts a day help you work rest and play.

Same day, another blog post. I'm heading home now, it's been a mixed sort of day, work wasn't too bad, there was some good banter. I've got mixed feelings about the summer, there's so many things I want to do, so many people I want to see, I'm not sure if I'll get them all done, to be honest. I'm beginning to think that Remmie will gouge one of my eyeballs out with a spoon, should I not go and see her during the summer. I Jest. Elsewhere in the life of Neil, it's increasingly likely that I'll have to head up to Loons Road and drag Roy out of bed in order to get him to come and see Son Of Rambow with me. Grrrr! I'm going to try and post 2 blog posts per day. I probably won't achieve it, but I can but try. Thinking of what I have titled this post, I see Mars have dusted off and once more wheeled out the old slogan, and with considerable style, too. Talking of old adverts, I see the Wine Gums "Scotch" advert has been redone/brought back! (To be honest, I can't tell if it's a re-edited version of the old advert or a new one made with the same premise.) What goes around, comes around.

How's your Father?

Aren't euphemisms great? It's especially hilarious when you use them when speaking to someone who hasn't a clue what you're talking about!Anyways, on to today's topic of musing. (Is that correct grammar? I don't particularly care to be honest.) Drip drip drop, little April showers, the song goes. Well, not so much April Showers as April Monsoon! I swear it's washed the colour out of my hair, because my hair isn't as Ginger as it was yesterday! And, of course, in true Scottish fasion, as I wrote that very sentence, the sun came out.On a slightly different note, it's coming up for 2 years since I left school. I've changed so much since then, yet I feel like I haven't changed at all. Church update: the HB has been at St Paul's for almost 2 months now. Time flies when you're having fun! I got him to do the Strip The Willow with me at the Ceilidh in hte evning after his consecration. It's safe to say that the man dances like a beast!

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Neglected? Just a bit!

I haven't posted here since February. February?? It's now April, and thanks to Doug introducing me to the wonders of Opera Mini, I can actually see webpages as they are supposed to be, therefore I will be posting alot more often!
So, down to business. First week back after the holi-bags and so we're wel and truely into block 3. Alasdair's gone off in a huff with me, which reveals how much of a git he is.
It's moments like this which make me marvel at modern technology. Here I am, making a diary or log on something that is essentially one step up the scale from 2 plastic cups and a piece of string!