Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Whoops, My Bad!

Ok, so I kinda neglected to post yesterday. I was staying over at Gordon's from Saturday night 'til this morning (Monday morning). On the subject of this blog, I was procrastinating again. On Sunday evening, we went out for Libations after Evening Prayer,with Kristin and Bryony, which was fun ("Someone stole my Gyroscope!"). We found out that Kristin is leaving us at the end of May to go home to Germany, and, Shock Horror, Bryony is leaving us too. Bryony is moving down to Edinburgh to a Post-Grad down there. Gordon assures me, however, that Chris Simmons is coming to Dundee to do "Psychology, or something like that", so hopefully, we'll persuade him to Libate. In other news, I'm looking forward to the summer, it looks like we'll heading back to the usual resort for our holibags, which suits me fine, as we know the place so well. Zack's Shack, here I come. Plus, this time, I'll be able to order alcohol when I'm there. On the band front, I think I've found amount and combination of people to mobilise this band: James Mitchell on Vocals, Charlie Anderson on Guitar, Gordon on Bass and Me on Drums. Now all I have to do is to get Charlie and Gordon to actually sign up for this thing! At least James agreed...