Friday, 18 April 2008

The Departure of a Legend

So, there we were, doing the weekly pillage of Tesco, Mum and Dad down one the aisles and me standing with the trolley at the top of said aisle, day dreaming, when I spotted a face that I hadn't seen in about 2 years. It was Mrs Hill, my 5th year Higher English teacher. I said hello to her and asked how she was doing and she told me that she was going to take early retirement at the end of the year. It was surprising to hear this, but she deserves it. She's done her time, and put up with the school (and especially some of the pupils) for long enough. In English with her, we did Shakespeare's Othello, and it was this which founded my love for the play, and particularly the character Iago.

So, I say: All the best in your retirement, Mrs Hill, you deserve it.