2 blogs posts a day help you work rest and play.
Same day, another blog post. I'm heading home now, it's been a mixed sort of day, work wasn't too bad, there was some good banter. I've got mixed feelings about the summer, there's so many things I want to do, so many people I want to see, I'm not sure if I'll get them all done, to be honest. I'm beginning to think that Remmie will gouge one of my eyeballs out with a spoon, should I not go and see her during the summer. I Jest. Elsewhere in the life of Neil, it's increasingly likely that I'll have to head up to Loons Road and drag Roy out of bed in order to get him to come and see Son Of Rambow with me. Grrrr! I'm going to try and post 2 blog posts per day. I probably won't achieve it, but I can but try. Thinking of what I have titled this post, I see Mars have dusted off and once more wheeled out the old slogan, and with considerable style, too. Talking of old adverts, I see the Wine Gums "Scotch" advert has been redone/brought back! (To be honest, I can't tell if it's a re-edited version of the old advert or a new one made with the same premise.) What goes around, comes around.
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